Call it ego death or dark night of the soul or whatever the f*ck name you like
It’s when we go past the I am X, I am this age, I come from Y, I am a fill in the blank
It’s when we start feeling our way through Life
This feels good. This doesn’t
I like this. I don’t like that
I can breathe. This constricts me
I can be me. This feels off
and we begin to re-construct our life in a way that feels good
No more what it looks like to others and a lot more, this feels So good !
Many of us were brought up to cater for the adults in our world. Somewhere along the way, we shut down our own guidance system
Our Sixth sense or in-tuition as I like to call it, is a gift we’ve been given by Life itself
Intuition works on appeal. It’s subtle. It whispers and goes on whispering until we pay attention
It’s always guiding us and offering next steps
It requires some courage because the motion is forward
Often, it asks us to bust out of comfort zones
It may feel risky and scary even, but taking the steps raises our energy
We know when we’re aligned and we know when we’re just robot’ing
No more numbing our way through life. No more climbing up a down escalator
Inspired ideas are powerful. They move the needle. They’re quality versus quantity
and they move you from the inside out
The journey towards your heart’s desires is the journey of a Lifetime
It’s Self actualisation
No more wondering what’s the point ?
The point is to Remember Who You Are ❤️
It’s time to Live and Let Live
Happy people make the world a happier place…
PS. My Purpose Lit 12 weeks One on One is Open !
Just you and me gorgeous, peeling off the layers…
Reminding You Who You Are so you can expand into it