For someone, success might be to live in a quaint cabin in the woods and write poetry. For another, success might mean being invited to every Red Cross ball in town. The success for one would be the other’s nightmare and vice versa…
In our early childhood, we are aware of our natural interests and curiosities. Sometimes, with life, we move so far away from the essence of our passions. We forget to define life goals.
This programme is about
You’ll be equipped with strategies to stay focused
and have the courage to take the necessary steps to claim your desires.
- Remembering intrinsic interests, desires and talents
- Understanding the NeuroScience of a success mindset
- Creative visualisation techniques to reinforce the brain’s focus
- Reviewing the power of words to create a new reality
- Raising the energy and taking action on intuitive guidance
It’s about Life on Purpose.
And remembering that we are here to live our truth.
We have the power to deliberately Create the life we choose.
Do you find yourself repeating patterns that don’t serve ?
Are you continually pushing for results and motivation ?
Is your mind constantly racing with to-dos or replays ?
Do deals break down at the 11th hour in nonsensical ways ?
Do you feel like you’re regularly climbing up a down escalator ?
Are you extinguishing one fire only to find another round the corner ?
“Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
~ C.G. Jung
When I worked in the world of finance, I made things happen. I achieved results and my life looked like a success, as the world would define it… Deep down, however, I was suffering. Struggle was the order of the day. And it manifested in every aspect of my life. I wish I knew what I am now sharing with you.
By attending the best schools and universities, we are offered a top education for our Neocortex. This is the evolved part of our brain that takes in new ideas and progress.
What happens with life is that sometimes we know things intellectually but the results seem to contradict logic. And then, a crisis hits and we begin to wonder if there is another way?
This programme is about remembering who you are
Your spark, your power, your truth.
“Don’t settle.
As with all matters of the heart,
you’ll know when you find it.”
~ Steve Jobs
Our mindset is essentially the driving force behind the results we are achieving in life. Top athletes condition themselves to win. We must do the same. Physically, mentally and also emotionally and spiritually.
The only way to live your greatest life is to have the courage to claim it.
If you’ve landed here and been reading so far, I’m sure you’re ready to discover a new way of being and creating. And I’m delighted to begin this conversation with you ❤

About Rania
Rania Lababidy is a writer, speaker and coach, working with the education and business world to improve performance, and share the latest in NeuroScience discoveries. The essence of her work is in the unravelling of creative passion. Energy is intuition. Her book Tap into Miracles is now available.
Rania founded KidsMeridian in Paris in 2008 to support European schools in opening up to a more creative education. She holds a Masters degree from NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development.
Rania grew up in London, attending the French Lycée and then St Paul’s Girls’ School. She received her B.A. from Wellesley College and was recruited on campus to the world of investment banking. She began her career on Wall Street. And after a decade in the world of finance, she returned to NYC as a Director with Deutsche Bank. In the Big Apple, Rania remembered to follow her heart…
What people are saying
Fabulous. Food for the soul 💕
Rania makes an immediate impact. She trained me to be fearless and thanks to her I managed to do things that nobody thought possible before!
Rania vous pousse à vous retrouver, écouter cette petite voix en vous qui permet de vous guider. Écouter Rania c’est s’interroger sur soi, revoir ses priorités et surtout être conscient que travailler et être heureux c’est possible.
Rania has been instrumental in helping me make some important decision in my life. Her gentle guidance and advice have helped me accomplish goals and take necessary risks I would not have otherwise been able to do on my own. Rania is intuitive and caring. The guidance she gives always stems from her observance and interpretation of my needs. She is honest, knowledgeable, and an excellent listener, who often uses her expertise and experiences to enlighten her clients.