Do certain consecutive numbers keep popping up in your world ?
I don’t believe in coincidence. Life is always co-creating with us. And sometimes, the guidance pops up in the funniest of ways !
When we are truly open minded to guidance, all our questions are answered and what we need makes its way into our world, in perfect timing – Always.
As long as we are being true to ourselves and our intentions are aligned for the Highest good, you can breathe and expect miracles.
I’ve always been a numbers person. I was great at Maths at school; and over the years, I’ve developed more and more curiosity about the Science of numbers.
I know today’s topic is a bit wild for my logical community but I want to encourage you to notice from now on if the universe is trying to communicate with you via numbers ?
Today’s video is all about consecutive numbers and what they mean 🌟
And here’s a clip of the film I mentioned !
Tags: 333 Wisdom numbers Angel numbers like 1111 and 444 Co-Creating with the Universe Consecutive numbers 1111 444 and more ! Decision making and signs from Life Guidance from the universe How numbers can help you know you're on the right track How to use numbers as signs from the universe New Year and The Science of Numbers Signs from the universe in numbers Understanding some numbers like 1111 Universal guidance through numbers like 1111 and 444 What do consecutive numbers mean ? What does 1111 mean ? What does it mean when I keep seeing 1111 ?