I’ve been fascinated by Ray Dalio’s work and Love his Pain + Reflection = Progress principle. 

People often approach me when they’ve hit a pain point and are ready for the reflection bit. It’s in that space that we overcome challenges and heal old wounds that are causing repeated patterns that don’t work.

I Love it when we have aha moments… Truth of the matter is that to be a miracle worker requires some work ! 

In this video, I explore the Reflection part and how our calm helps us swiftly manifest:

Pain + Reflection = Progress

Over the years, I’ve come to learn that it’s the rituals we set in place that allow us to develop new ways of being. They are practices that we do again and again to build up resilience. That’s why they call it a meditation practice. As we do it again and again, we begin enjoying the benefits. And when a new challenge comes up, we’re equipped with breathing skills that help our brain navigate fight, flight or freeze. 

For your moments of reflection, I encourage you to create rituals for yourself… What will you do on waking ? Will you choose to plug in to peace and carry that with you wherever you go ? If so, my 11 minute morning visualisation is a great start.

Another idea is a journalling practice where you can brainstorm and declutter your mind so your day can progress with clarity and creativity.

Life will continue to present us with challenges. The way we handle them allows us to move gracefully and swiftly through… Or not ! If you’re on repeat with certain issues, I invite you to go deeper at this time and heal them once and for all.

Be intentional. Stay focused. And find the gold in the obstacles 🌟





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