Intuition vs fear: The Nuance is in the Energy
The difference between the voices of intuition and fear is so subtle and can be quite misleading.
One can expand your world in the most magnificent way, while the other can shut you down.
I recently came across a Wall Street Journal article on LinkedIn with an image of a man who looked like he was making a super tough decision about the stock market. The headline said something like “if it’s scary, then it’s the right thing to do…”
I was definitely a contrarian when I was in the world of finance. I would often notice opportunities that represented attractive value whilst being overlooked. And I made some brilliant calls. But I clearly remember the energy I felt towards these ideas.
How intuition works
When I began my study of intuition and how it works to guide us spectacularly step by step, I absolutely at first subscribed to the possibility that it was on the other side of fear. Over the years, I’ve fine-tuned its voice.
In today’s video, I explore the nuance in energy so you can tell the difference between fear and intuition, and proceed accordingly.
If you sometimes have inspired ideas and then talk yourself out of them, you’ll find this info super enlightening…
With everything going on these days, it’s easy to feel like shutting down, when intuition is actually whispering some brilliant ideas.
There are dreams within you. And I can’t think of a better moment to go inwards and connect to your very own GPS to get you there.
That’s why I call it in-tuition. It’s the most valuable education you can give yourself.
So intuition vs fear: Time to tap into your own creative genius ❤️
In my free goodies, you’ll also receive a guided meditation to help you go deeper and tap into intuitive ideas, download it here !
Tags: Connecting to internal guidance Courage is the mastery of fear How courage and intuition work How does intuition work how intuition works in decision making How to tell the difference between fear and intuition In-tuition most powerful education Inspired steps guided by intuition internal GPS Intuition and fear Intuition vs fear Intuitive guidance and steps Life expands or shrinks Meditation for connecting to the voice of intuition More on Feel the fear and do it anyway RISE and the power of your intuition subtle difference between intuition and fear Taking aligned action through intuition tap into intuition genius Tap into Miracles Tap into your intuition the different energy of intuition and fear the different voices of fear and intuition the energy of intuition the power of in-tuition What intuition asks of you