For a long time, the ideas of desiring and surrendering felt quite contradictory to me. I wondered if the power of our efforts of visualising, affirming and mindset were the key or whether a gentle surrender would do it.
I tried both at different moments in my life and the results were quite notable. I realised all this when after about 8 months of trying to will my new website to life, we just kept missing the goal.
It actually got quite painful and I couldn’t make sense of why I wasn’t able to reach the finish. The most absurd things were getting in the way at the eleventh hour over and over again. This went on for months and got so frustrating that I had to stop. I took ownership for the block and was ready to shed some light on it.
I knew well enough moments in my life when I was in total surrender and miracles flowed. At least I had that reference point. The thing is those surrender moments were times when I really had no choice and truly didn’t know what to do next. Here, I could continue to use my logical mind to figure out more manoeuvres, so surrendering was that much harder.
And I could trace back the times I made things happen by hook or by crook… Only to have the experience feel quite unsatisfying.
All I knew for sure was that in my moments of total surrender, Life had shown me its genius time and time again. The Surrender experiment had worked.
How to surrender
“Only patience, infinite patience, produces immediate effects.” A Course in Miracles
What we resist, persists. My metaphysical training had taught me that the ego analyses and spirit accepts. Essentially, the ego is always judging, blaming or trying to make sense of things. And the alternative to that is to trust Life. I was in big time analysis and missing the acceptance bit altogether.
Surrender can feel like giving up on your desires. Actually, surrender is exercising complete faith. Knowing with certainty that your desires are there for a reason, but releasing the How. When we allow Life to do the orchestration in terms of timing and outcome, our energy relaxes. When we chill and get on with Life, we open up to infinite possibilities. Life’s ideas are usually way better and bigger than those we have in mind. The key is to Trust Life and pray for the Highest good for all. The ALL includes You too !
When I started to surrender, I got a vision of a Lighthouse shining its light and reaching far and wide. I kept that vision alive. And I could feel an inner release. It’s always from that place that the co-creation takes off…
The Mirror of Life
Over the years, I have exercised and taught the Mirror of Life. In fact, I’m presenting on this again at the University of London next month. I knew enough that outer struggles and patterns must be dealt with internally. What we achieve inwardly can change the outer landscape.
With that in mind, I got more present to exactly where I was at. Because I was praying to understand, I knew that the answers were en route. So I was on Youtube watching some videos when this man kept popping up in adverts. Same man practically on every video I was trying to watch. Over the months before, he would pop up and I would skip every ad. This time, I was like ‘let’s see what this guy has to say?’ And sure enough, he had an answer.
The Surrender Experiment
I had been so stressed and negatively focused before, I missed this. My mind was too busy with what had just happened (the past) and what I was going to do about it (the future), I totally missed the Present. Quite literally.
The Surrender Experiment is written by Michael A. Singer and traces his life from his PhD days studying Economics to his journey into meditation and software programming and eventually becoming the founding CEO of a billion dollar public company whose achievements are archived at the Smithsonian. Absolutely fascinating. Exactly what I needed to read when I needed to read it and written by someone I could totally understand.
From there, I figured out my block, brought it to the light for healing, found my peace again and everything i needed done went speedy gonzales from there…
So it always comes back to choosing peace instead. Because it is from that space that Life can do its thing and bring on the miracles 🌟
Tags: How to chill and let Life do her thing How to Co-Create with the Universe How to desire and surrender How to get what you want How to release the blocks How to surrender How to surrender your goals Let go let God meditation for the answers to your questions Pray and Trust Pray for the Highest good of all Prayer for the Highest good Release and receive Surrender and let Life show you what it’s got Surrender daily Surrender versus making it happen Surrender your desires and pray for the Highest good for all Surrendering your goals The answers to your prayer the answers to your questions The Secret to Prayer The Surrender Experiment Trust Life again and again Trusting the process of Life What does it mean to surrender What you need to know is always being revealed