The Mirror of Life is wonderful because we can use it all day every day to gage where we’re at. Who inspires you? You’ve got it too. Who is irritating? Bring the shadow to the light.

Basically, it goes like this: If you spot it, you’ve got it! So anyone who is pushing our buttons is actually a very important teacher in our life.

In this video, I share a powerful exercise you can do to figure out the Mirror of Life for yourself:

The Mirror of Life

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” Carl Jung

In spirituality, we often hear “We are One.” At first, this concept is quite intense to understand. One of my favourite ways of unravelling all this is through the Mirror of Life. Just look around—right now—at who is in your life. What you love most about them is in you. And what irritates you most about them is also you (your shadow or disowned self).

Our shadow is powerful  because either we use it or it uses us. Either we bring it to the light and let it spread light or we keep it in the dark because we absolutely don’t want to deal with it, and it finds its own voice in our self-sabotage.

Our shadow is usually something that we feel is so unacceptable in us. Ironically, as Rumi said, “The wound is where the Light enters you.” And when this darkness is brought to the light and used in service to the world, it can be our biggest gift and contribution.

So the mirror of life is brilliant that way. Pick out your disowned selves. Make peace with them. Bring them to the light and see where that journey takes you…

For more on the Mirror of Life, you’ll Love my book Tap into Miracles 🌟

Tap into Miracles














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