The God Box is one of my favourite manifesting techniques. It has helped me transform difficult situations and continues to bring me more and more of my desires.
When our energy is in a good place, we’re magnets for what we want. When we’re feeling wobbly, we call in a mixed bag of Life
The God Box helps clean up the energy by releasing the brain from its primitive fight flight or freeze response, opening up the gateway for creative ideas
It’s a great tool for offloading what’s troublesome AND for setting clear intentions
When we get out of our own way, we welcome guidance and inspired action steps that lead us more directly to our goals.
It’s easy… Let Go and allow Life’s genius orchestration to connect the dots for You:
The God Box
Life asks us to RISE again and again. The lessons keep coming until we master the art of moving past fear and doubt.
The biggest obstacle to manifesting heart’s desires are thoughts that keep us stuck in low energy
The brain’s default setting is fear (survival) so it can lock into any problematic issue and take you down the spiral of negative thoughts and feelings… Entering primitive brain states of fight flight freeze.
Our thoughts generate our feelings and this, in turn, informs our action steps – or not ! When we surrender our desires and fears and welcome guidance for the Highest good, Life can support us.
The sooner we can calm the mind, the better. As this automatically allows oxygen to reach the more evolved part of our brain, seat of creative solutions and infinite possibilities
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Tags: A way out of fight flight freeze anxiety Beyond Fight Flight Freeze calming the mind in uncertain times Coaching tips Create with intention easy way to offload fearful thoughts and worries focus the brain on desires God box for calming the mind God Box for healing anxiety God Box for manifesting desires How to manifest peacefully How to manifest with ease and grace How to turn off fight flight freeze response and anxiety moving past fears and doubts Moving past fight flight freeze response Moving past the stress response Overcoming fear and anxiety Rania Lababidy release fight flight freeze releasing the fear RISE from fight flight freeze brain shifting from fear to Love guided visualisation The God Box for manifesting with ease The God box solution to worry and anxiety Tools for calming the mind Turning off anxiety UK Life coaching