Dissolving Limiting Beliefs
When you remember who you are, you rise above fear. You see it for what it is… An illusion of the mind. A belief structure that got embedded in your system early on, possibly before you were even conscious.
As kids, we pick up the beliefs and energies around us. And these end up running the show. So your adult self is creating based on other people’s limiting beliefs, hence much of the self-sabotage.
Sometimes, you can’t even understand where it’s coming from. Consciously, you want the healthy body, the happy relationship, the freedom of abundance… But somewhere in your system is a belief that limits your capacity to accept this as your absolute right.
You deserve to be happy, vibrant and prosperous. You deserve everything your heart desires. That vision of your most Amazing Life is there for a reason. It’s unique to you and your passions. It’s a combination of your talents and what you profoundly care about. And you are here to bring that vision to Life.
Remember Who You Are
The obstacles along the way are just opportunities to strengthen your connection to your Higher Self and remember who you are.
You are magnificent, created in the likeness and image of the great Creator. You carry His seeds of creativity and are here to add your beauty into the world.
A lot of times, we get on with life hiding behind our true power. We can forget who we are and almost apologise for our desires. But deep inside, you know your truth. And you know how powerful you are.
So today, and everyday, I will remind you who you are. Because your Light is what the world needs. A happy you contributes to making the world a happier place.
As you RISE, you uplift others. You become a miracle worker. This is who you are !
So no more tip-toeing around… It’s time to remember who are are and fully embrace your power 🌟
Let’s go ! Time to Tap into Miracles !
More info here: https://rania.world/unravelling-your-creative-genius/
Tags: Align with your vision Angel Michelangelo Bringing your vision to Life Creativity Dissolving limiting beliefs How to find your purpose how to raise your energy Overcome limiting beliefs Rania Lababidy release limiting beliefs Remember who you are Remembering your passion remove self limiting beliefs Rise above fear Self made man Tap into Miracles A Reminder You are powerful beyond measure