At the still point, there the dance is ~ T. S. Eliot
Shifting your energy, step by step
The other day, i found myself in the throes of a fight/flight/freeze moment. I didn’t even know that was happening until i started to journal to uncover why i was feeling so uncomfortable.
I’m really good at skipping emotions. I was trained into that as a kid. To always be strong and together. So when I felt myself dipping into fear, i chose to go into Faith instead.
The thing is though, unless we allow ourselves to feel what’s up for us, the issue will just get jammed in the body.
I’m all for shifting into better thoughts and vibes… But before that, there is a step in which we have to feel the feelings. Whatever the f*ck those feeling are.
If we need to cry then that’s what we need to do. If we need to feel sad or upset or disappointed or hurt or whatever. It’s okay.
We’re human after all. And going through the range of emotions is necessary in order to move through.
To appreciate the good, we sometimes need to experience the heaviness or the void, whatever it may be.
When we allow ourselves the space to go through whatever we’re going through, our whole being can re-calibrate and find its balance again.
Our systems are self-correcting. In every way
Health wise. Energy wise. Creativity wise.
When we find our groove, in-tuition can begin whispering again (it’s actually always whispering, we’ll just be able to feel the nudges more clearly)… and step by step, we are gently led to more of our heart’s desires
So be kind to you. Allow yourself the grace to self-soothe…
Breathe. Just breathe ❤️