The beliefs we feed children

En route to grab a smoothie yesterday, I saw a Mom holding her son’s hand and beaming… The biggest smile on her face ! She was saying: “He told me you worked really hard and I’m So proud of you.”

Ok, so here’s what’s happening in this little kid’s brain. He is registering that working really hard is Amazing 🌟

Working hard is important, of course.

Sometimes, we can take that belief to an extreme… Where we work So hard:

at the expense of our health

at the expense of our relationships

at the expense of being a kind and thoughtful person

at the expense of living a meaningful life

at the expense of being happy

So our enthusiasm for the things we praise must take into account a lot of things.

How about 

Private coaching with Rania Lababidy

  • I am so proud of you for taking good care of yourself
  • I am so proud of you for knowing what you want
  • I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself
  • I am so proud of you for being kind
  • I am so proud you for figuring this out
  • I am so proud of you for going for your dreams
  • I am so proud of you for the wonderful person you are

As adults, we live out the beliefs we picked up as children.

Our words and energy become the beliefs that turn into someone’s life.

The good news is that a belief is just a thought we keep thinking. And we have the power to embed our mind with new more empowering ideas.

But how much easier it is to start off with the right programming: The beliefs we feed children in their early years are pivotal.

And the truth is that when we are living a life we Love, creating our desires… It’s much more about working inspired and in flow.

Let’s erase our own limiting beliefs so can uplift the world with us 🌟

Start Now ! 





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