Money Mindset and Inside Out Abundance
Money is currency and currency is energy. That’s why the entire money story is one of inside out abundance.
Mastering the money mindset is a pre-requisite to creating a Life You Love Love Love ❤️
Making and having the money is not enough… If our underlying feelings around the subject involve fear and lack, we will push the abundance away (subconsciously).
This is a conversation I wish I’d had access to when I was in the world of finance.
In this video, we will explore prosperous thinking and how the inner landscape creates our outer world.
We are here to live our most magnificent life. We are here to bring to Life all that we are. In order to live the full-version of us, it’s important to connect with the energy of abundance.
Money can easily come and go, so it’s vital that we understand the dynamics of why this is happening.
As we align with our essence, we feel supported and the journey to true abundance becomes easier and easier.
Everything that is happening in our world is a result of our energy.
To learn more about shifting from fear to Love to create your heart’s desires, this is for you ❤
Tags: Abundance Becoming a money magnet Creative self-expression and abundance Creativity How money works energetically How to master money frames of mind Infinite Possibilities Inside Out Abundance Kate Northrup Let's talk about money Money a love story Money and changing neighborhoods in the mind money and creativity Money and infinite possibilities Money and the energy equation Money is currency and currency is energy Money mindset and best self-development books New money conversation for bankers Open your mind to receive Sonia Choquette The Game of Life and money The Science of getting rich understanding money and the inner landscape Why we self-sabotage with money