Right Now, Self Care Looks Like This… In this video, I outline the three stages that self-care requires. And...
Tag Archive for: easy mindfulness practices
Rania, , Blog, A deep breath of Life in between activities, Creativity projects, easy mindfulness practices, Education and Mindfulness, Education for the future, Energy, Focus and Energy tips, Healthy habits healthy brain, How to maximise energy, Life on purpose one day at a time, Mindfulness practices at work, Mindfulness today, Montessori and brain focus, One thing at a time, Power in the Present, Rania Lababidy, Rolling the mat Montessori, Staying Present as a gift to others, The Art of Attention, The genius of Dr Maria Montessori, The habits we learn early on in Life, Top Education ideas, Why Mindfulness is so important, Why Mindfulness matters, 0Research confirms that there is no such thing as multi-tasking. Our brain works in a step by step manner...