Right Now, Self Care Looks Like This… In this video, I outline the three stages that self-care requires. And...
Tag Archive for: Allow yourself to feel your feelings
Rania, , Videos, Allow yourself to feel your feelings, Breathe into the discomfort, Bringing the issue to the Light, Feel your feelings, First step to healing, Healing meditation, How to move forward with grace, It all begins with Know Thyself, Just breathe, Meditation is always a good idea, Meditation is the answer, Moving on, Multi-layered healing process, The importance of feeling our feelings, True healing, Uncovering real limiting beliefs, Uncovering the real issue, Understanding what we are feeling, What is it that you are really feeling ?, What is the true pain point that you are avoiding, What the real issue ?, 0This is the first video I made when I started my YouTube channel. And it’s really where the work...