february, 2019
02feb2:30 pm5:30 pmNEW YEAR, NEW YOUSetting the Tone for the New Year
Event Details
Success Mindset: Setting the Tone for the New Year It turns out that about 2% of the population
Event Details
Success Mindset: Setting the Tone for the New Year
It turns out that about 2% of the population have goals… And that is the difference between a comfort zone and the Life of our dreams.
Let’s re-set this new year on the right note. Let’s dive into our passions, our desires, our curiosities and all that lights us up! Let’s be crystal clear on what it is we are wanting to create.
This workshop will offer tools and techniques for:
Tackling the parts of our brain that hold on to old habits, perpetually sabotaging new ideas
New ways to reach deep within for inspiration and aligned action steps daily
A Life coaching plan that can be implemented by you immediately
You will leave feeling refreshed and ready to truly take on a New Year – Equipped with a tool box that you can reach into anytime to programme your mind and find new perspective.
Great energy helps us manifest what we want. In this workshop, we will explore how to raise the energy within and around us!
+ This is a UNICEF sponsored event. 25% of the sales proceeds will be donated to help UNICEF, so you’ll also have made a gift to the children of the world 🙂
To join us at the University of London Saturday 2nd February at 2:30pm:
(Saturday) 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
University of London
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square